Many residents in Yatton are concerned about the roadworks and planned developments that are taking place down our High Street. Most are aware of the traffic lights on the High Street where one phase of the developments, to narrow Barberry Farm Road, started at the beginning of March. Many are still not aware of the full extent of the plans which include narrowing side roads, narrowing the High Street, raised crossing and 20mph speed limits. The initial non statutory consultation carried out online during lockdown had only 566 responses only 133 people strongly supported the plans as they were then. This consultation can be seen here and includes proposals for extensive works along the High Street, on Stowey Road and in adjacent roads. Since then, the plans have expanded and most of the village have never seen them.
James and Annabel feel that this is wholly inadequate.
The first most people knew of the planned changes was when residents on the High Street between Grassmere Road and the Ridge received a letter at the end of February telling them that they were going to lose on street parking in front of their homes. This work was swiftly suspended following community concerns
Shortly afterwards in March work began on another phase, narrowing the junction of Barbary Farm Road.
Four days after the work started, there was finally a public information meeting where over 150 people who attended were shown the final plans. These plans have still not been released as of 06/04/2023 and most of the village have not seen them.
After the disaster that is unfolding on Clevedon seafront, James and Annabel want to ensure that the same does not happen to our village by giving everyone an opportunity to be heard.
If elected James and Annabel will campaign for a consultation on the final plans. They have also secured a commitment that if the Conservatives retake control of the council after May’s local elections, they will guarantee a consultation.