I have been a Nailsea Town Councillor since 2017 when I was elected with a majority of over 70%.
I have stuck to my manifesto pledge by fighting to keep the West End a picturesque and green place (unlike our current North Somerset councillor).
I want to continue to fight for Nailsea and the West End as a North Somerset councillor to keep our town a desirable place. I believe the current council has only managed to make peoples’ lives in North Somerset worse by pointless projects and an inability to balance the accounts.
Positive steps that I have achieved for Nailsea:
Residents were concerned about dangerous driving on West End lanes and felt their voices were not being heard. I contacted the group to discuss the issues and got a resolution passed unanimously through Nailsea town council to urge North Somerset Council to take action. After this things are now starting to happen such as speed restrictions being put in place.
I have highlighted many overgrown walkways and organised to have them cut back making access easier.
I took a leading role in opposing the Joint Spatial Plan which threated the West End with 3000 new houses, and with your help in campaigning against it, it was dismissed.
I have stood up for local groups when I believed the town council was not treating them fairly.
I was a leading councillor in trying to block the sale of Engine Lane.
A resident was concerned about people speeding along their road. I organised speed monitors to be set up.
I have set up a referral service between 65 High Street and Avon Fire and Rescue for high risk people to receive a home fire safety visit.